What are here are some written pieces on and around Belief. 
The following explanations are purely a Virsel View and do not reflect the views of others.​

The Five Primary Beliefs of Virsel are

The Belief in a Creator and a Creation

The Belief in the Development of the Inner Life

The Belief in the Works of Light, Life and Love

The Belief in Higher Forms of Life, Seen and Unseen

The belief in the Continuance of Life after the end of the Physical Body

What about Belief?

We live in a culture of life that demands different things from everyone. The culture itself has been continuously manufacturing and changing itself into what it is today since the 18th century (popularised as the Industrial Revolution when described by Arnold Toynbee explaining industry from 1760 to 1840). We live on a natural planet with natural law as an organic life form. We also live on this planet not only as this but with a manufactured way of life to compliment the culture of an industrialised life rather than a natural. These are contradictory in nature and purpose of life. For example, the natural life serves a planetary scheme of things, whilst the manufactured cultural life serves the cultural entity at the expense of the planetary life and the planet itself. There are arguments on both sides of the event each having their own story to tell. We are asked in the main to believe that the cultural life is better than the natural life and to accept it as one’s master and allow it to dictate what it needs us to do, rather than what our instincts or reasons outside of culture would say we should.

Which one do you believe? As in most cases the choice would normally be the cultural way of life as the culture drives the intellect of life for its own ends. Doing so costs the human event as its natural self by way of diminishment of natural process in place of a cultural process. The rights and wrongs aren’t really the whole issue here as what is more important is the prospect that eventually, if this goes on unchecked, then the true nature and purpose of human life will be cornered by a giant industry that doesn’t require life form but pawns, zombies, robots and more, that will serve blindly and even unaware, the culture’s purpose instead.

In the face of such a threat, the instincts and natural tendencies start ringing alarm bells that the culture has cleverly and sneakily laid quite such things, outside of the normality of cultural life itself. To object makes that person an antagonist or trouble maker, a dissenter from the path and they are never offered a way out or back without some unpayable price to do so. The whole world is covered where there is nowhere left to run and, if so, can be found by satellites and more.

It is everyone’s personal choice to believe in life, or even a cultural life. Often, those people will say that there must be more to life and ask the question without, or rarely ever, getting an answer to it (well, one that doesn’t include the culture that is). The human race are told to respond and do their job, live alongside with a series of demands for life and a list of punishments if you don’t.  When asking if it is all real and questioning the goodness of being a believer, mostly the human being is left to decide for themselves, with or without the means to do so or the knowledge to even pursue an answer.

Belief doesn’t belong to religion or anything else for that matter; it is in the first instance a personal choice that holds onto something without knowing if it is true or not. We are a higher life form capable of discerning between two ends of something; for example the good or the bad, the long or the short, the right or the left. Therefore we can to our own limits decide without belief- but then comes along the outsiders of non-cultural worlds, the religious, the unseen, the divinatory and more.

What happens then is that one’s limitations take over and instead of a smooth ride into the truth of things it is realised that, although they aren’t present in our life (cultural), we are without them because of our cultural life. Many natural processes are and were designated by nature for a natural living event. They put that down to a god, when it is plainly true and obvious that the whole of creation wasn’t made for man.

Here now comes the second round of belief where one is asked to have faith and other things, none of which can be proved and for the human race to hold onto it in trust and belief that those who tell us all of this are telling the truth. If challenged they will say wait until you’re dead and you will see we were right, so believe us, trust us, have faith, and so on. This doesn’t leave much room to manoeuvre around with it, as mostly from religion (being thousands of years old) there are a load of stories written by believers who claim that others they didn’t know, were there (Saints for example).

Then comes the third and best of all about belief, which is that it is a vehicle (attitude or stance) that carries the human race along but isn’t the actual answer to where they are going with it. When does belief end and the real thing occur, when do the promises, dreams and living of these things come to an end and the real promise, dreams and so on, happen?

This can go on all day so from a Virsel point of view, that Virsel view does not take belief so seriously that we could allow a religion to grow upon it, we could never allow those promises to dwindle with time away from the sight of our own intelligence and truth of what we know as higher life and ability. They say that we go to heaven, our lives are what a god wants from us, they say that many other things are true saying at the same time one must have faith and so on.

The truth is that it is a lie and as long as the human race continues to fall for it, then the human race will always be living in the dark ages and with lies that have held the human race down for many hundreds of years. Nature doesn’t lie, and all that grows with it doesn’t live on a promise that, for example, if it is a good rose it can go to heaven and so on. Belief can work if it is real and achievable e.g. Before the promise of it or one has the result or achievement in sight.

For Virsel work, belief is when a person can see what it is they are doing and the road by which they can achieve it. Then they can believe in themselves and their own effort from start to finish. The manufactured life has no natural promise of life and what that means for the human being, except that they are discarded at a certain age and the life ends there. In the natural life it goes on, even after the end of the physical body, as in the natural life development isn’t a wage increase but a personal elevation of one’s greater self.

There is more presented within the site on the most important beliefs that the Virsel way considers are connected to the evolution of the natural life of the human being.